An Engineer

An Instance of Perspective

So long, Ben

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Just a short post to wish a fond farewell to our summer intern, Ben. Ben is headed back to school to do some more book-learnin’, but he will continue to stay involved with Phanfare when he’s not busy listening to rap music, or drinking highballs, or whatever it is the youngsters do these days.

Ben has been an absolute force of nature working on the much-anticipated Mac client, achieving more in the last three months than many men achieve in a lifetime. It’s fair to say that Ben lived in the office — in fact, he literally lived in the office. Our cozy workplace is a converted apartment, and Ben inhabited the loft upstairs.

In case you think this sort of indentured servitude comes cheap, you can’t imagine what we’ve had to pay in bribes to keep OSHA off our backs. But we’re actually pretty soft-hearted and indulgent with our employees here at Phanfare. For example, when Ben complained that the leg irons were chafing, we replaced them with a comfortable fabric neck leash, and only charged him cost for it.

So thanks, again, Ben, for the great effort. We’ll drink a toast to you when the Mac client ships, and you’re welcome to crash at our place anytime.

Written by erlichson

August 13, 2005 at 5:52 pm

Posted in General

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    September 30, 2009 at 10:05 pm

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    health insurance

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