An Engineer

An Instance of Perspective

Phanfare for the Mac available

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We’ve blaired this news from every other communications outlet, so why not here as well? Mac owners rejoice: Phanfare is now available right on your very own desktop.

Of course, this is a beta release, which is software parlance for “still a little pink in the middle.” Not to fear: Phanfare for the Mac will not eat your mousepad, or rename your children, or draw mustaches on your photos. It may occasionally crash, though, and we’re still working to get some missing features into the software for the final release.

All of that is covered in detail elsewhere. So let me finish by giving a warm hello to our friends from Europe. Our press release has generated a lot of interest, and web stats make it easy to track the impact across timezones. Europeans have a six-hour jump on the east coast of America, and they’ve been busily kicking the tires since early this morning. Welcome to Phanfare!

Written by erlichson

September 29, 2005 at 2:40 pm

Posted in Apple, Phanfare

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