An Engineer

An Instance of Perspective

New Phanfare Release

with 3 comments

We just released new versions of Phanfare for the Mac and PC along with some changes to the web albums.

  • Album sections are here. This has been a long-requested feature. You can now break up a big album into smaller sections. For example, a trip to Europe can be broken up by city.
  • Redeye removal is improved for the PC (Coming soon for the Mac).
  • Albums on the web now show a breadcrumb trail to let you figure out where you are in the hierarchy, plus you can quickly navigate to other albums in the account, or between sections of the same album.
  • Auto-rotation of images based on EXIF orientation field. If your camera has an orientation sensor, we losslessly rotate the image on import, rewrite the height and width and reset the orientation field.
  • Our first non-beta Mac release, containing numerous performance improvements and bug fixes. This new mac version is truly great. Imaging Resource comprehensively reviewed it.
  • Increased bandwidth limits. You can now upload up to 10GB per month and download up to 15GB per month.

Phanfare releases are delivered automatically when you start the Phanfare client.

Written by erlichson

June 29, 2006 at 2:38 pm

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