An Engineer

An Instance of Perspective

Preview of iPhoto plugin for Phanfare

with 4 comments

For all you Apple iPhoto users out there, we are happy to announce direct support for iPhoto through a plugin that will put Phanfare in the export menu of your iPhoto application.

This is a preview release intended to help us iron out any issues before we more widely advertise the iPhoto plugin in the next Phanfare release.

The iPhoto plugin will allow you to upload any selected images in iPhoto to the Phanfare service directly. you can also create new albums, and control whether or not the album is visible to family and friends.

If you want to import a whole bunch of iPhoto albums to Phanfare at once, while retaining your iPhoto album structure, then please use the Phanfare Mac client and import the albums from that client.

Written by erlichson

June 25, 2008 at 3:02 pm

4 Responses

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  1. excellent post, I'll have to check back more often, thanks!

    bible study

    August 13, 2009 at 1:30 pm

  2. Fantastic feature. With such a helpful software, sharing pics with loved ones abroad is a relatively easier task.

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