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Archive for August 2010

Google Needs Apple to Innovate in TV

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Apparently Google is having trouble getting TV content providers and distributors on board with Google TV. No surprise there. Traditional cable companies and other players have little incentive to give up control to Google, whom they view more as a competitor than a partner.

Android was accepted by incumbents precisely because the carriers and handset manufacturers were afraid of Apple’s momentum. Motorola, Samsung, and LG needed to figure out how they were going to respond to the iPhone. Google offered their Android OS for free and offered ad-split revenue to carriers and the deal was done. But it was a deal with the devil because the Android handset manufacturers as a group are not making much money. Apple took their profits.

What Google needs right now is for Apple (or someone else) to innovate in TV. Then, maybe, the incumbents will be receptive to Google’s advances. Apple is working on such innovation with their rumored new iTV box, which will provide an application platform that will likely run existing iOS apps. Nevertheless, as Tim Cook has said, Apple believes all these efforts might be marginal until the technology is integrated into the TV set itself, something he claims Apple does not want to do (until the day they do it).

Traditional disruption, described in the Innovator’s Dilemma, is about a cheaper technology sneaking up on incumbent players who are focused on serving their best customers – customers who find the performance of the cheaper new technology to be unacceptable. As time progresses, the new technology matures to the point where it performs acceptably for the mass market, and the market moves to the disrupter.

TV is ripe to be disrupted. It’s expensive for consumers. But you have to remember that you can’t make TV better. According to Nielsen, Americans already watch more than 35 hours per week of it. Watching HD TV over FIOS with a Tivo on a 52 inch Samsung LCD TV is near nirvana. You can only make TV cheaper.

It’s not likely that Apple will disrupt TV by making it cheaper. As the premium provider, they nearly always focus on making things better, not cheaper. Apple did not disrupt cell phones in the traditional sense by making them cheaper. What they did is introduce such a compelling innovation from a user experience standpoint that the least price sensitive, most profitable part of the market moved to the new technology. And then Google’s Android offered a low-cost good-enough alternative to feature phones that offered similar benefits. That’s par for the course in the technology world. What is unique about the iPhone story is just how fast the market is transitioning to smart phones and how rapidly all the profits moved to the early leader in that technology.

Long story short, Google is not going to have much luck with Google TV unless they can offer TV for less for consumers. I think Boxee has the better approach there. That’s traditional disruption. Boxee is a mediocre experience at best today compared to FIOS attached to a Tivo with an HDTV, but it’s free.

Cablevision’s best customers are not asking for low-def TV with fewer channels, constantly shifting line-ups and mediocre picture quality. And even if Cablevision sees the Boxee threat, they don’t want to give up their rich subscription revenue business to answer it. But each year Boxee will get better. And if Joe sixpack walks into a Best Buy and is told that the Boxee integrated Vizio TV in the corner does not require a cable subscription and will save him $1200/year, he will likely take the offer even if that TV offers a slightly worse experience. And that will be the end of the TV franchise as we know it.

Written by erlichson

August 19, 2010 at 10:47 pm

Why the iPad 2 Might Have a 7 Inch Display

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Rumor today that the next iPad will have a seven inch screen. Let’s think about that for a moment.

Everybody has been wondering when the iPad will get the Retina display that the iPhone 4 has. Well, if you assume that the iPad Retina display will be constructed out of four iPhone 4 displays (2×2) then you get to 7 inches. But doing that will yield an iPad 2 display that has a resolution of 1920×1280, a 1.5 aspect ratio, the same as the iPhone.

Changing the aspect ratio of the device might mean that apps need to be rewritten.

If Apple were to use Retina display technology but retain the current screen size of 9.7 inches, then the display would have a resolution of 2558×1919 pixels, which may just have been outside the budget for this iteration.

Written by erlichson

August 17, 2010 at 11:54 am

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Droid X is a Poor Replacement for Verizon MiFi

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One of the reasons I got a Droid X is that I thought it could replace my Verizon MiFi hotspot when I travel. The cost of carrying the Droid X and the cost of carrying the MiFi are within $20/month of each other.

Last weekend I traveled to Durango, CO with my family and tried to use the Droid X as I would have used the MiFi: To create a WiFi hotspot that connects to Verizon’s CDMA data network so that my iPhone and laptop could get data.

As expected, my AT&T iPhone showed “No Service” nearly the entire time I was in Durango (we were in the woods). My Droid X showed service nearly all the time, although the service was spotty.

Unfortunately, the Hot Spot feature of the Droid X is nearly useless compared to the MiFi. First, it times out deliberately after ten minutes of inactivity even if the Droid X is plugged in. This makes zero sense. Hence, you can’t just plug the Droid X in and provide data for a period of days in a foreign location. Instead, whenever you want to use your laptop, you need to go to the phone, navigate to the hotspot app and turn it on.

But that is not the worst of it. Even if you are continually using the device that is connected to the Droid X, the hotspot randomly turns off periodically. In my experience I got about 5 minutes of work before it would fail. Utterly useless.

There is some chatter on the Moto forums that the Droid X brings the hotspot down when it loses the CDMA uplink. Ok, it was a pretty spotty in Durango. I tried the hotspot again in Princeton, NJ when I returned. Same thing.

I had better luck using Bluetooth to attach the laptop. To do that, I paired the laptop (Macbook) with the Droid X over Bluetooth and then used the built-in networking on the Mac to establish a data connection over Bluetooth. I just had to Google for what username and password to use on the modem configuration screen (not sure the values mattered; what probably mattered is that my Droid X was provisioned for tethering). That link, once established, worked very well.

That said, I found that because I had the Droid X, I needed the MiFi a lot less because the Droid X is a perfectly fine email and web device and did work reliably over Verizon’s network. The big thing I missed: My iPhone takes great photos and I can email a downsampled version of a photo. The Droid X takes mediocre photos and as far as I can tell, you can’t downsample a photo when you email it via Gmail. Maybe that’s solved in Froyo.

If you have a MiFi and love it, don’t trade it in for a Droid X. You will be disappointed.

Written by erlichson

August 16, 2010 at 3:11 pm

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Idea for Fixing the iPhone 4 Antenna

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Let me preface this by saying that although I have a Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, I know very little about electricity. My degree is really in computer systems.

One of the benefits of blogging is that I get to suggest untenable solutions to other people’s problems. Ok, Here goes.

So the issue with the iPhone 4 antenna is that touching with human skin changes it properties. Maybe it changes it frequency response, or maybe you are bridging the two antennas. Not sure.

The crude solution is to add a bumper. Bumper is non-conductive. Problem solved, but not elegantly. So the question is, how else can we protect the antenna from connecting electrically with human skin while still keeping the iPhone beautiful.

Covering with a thin film of some sort of plastic is not an acceptable solution because the plastic woud easily scratch. I don’t think covering with glass would work well either. Too brittle and likely does not expand and contract at the same rate as metal.

You could anodize the metal. Anodizing a metal creates a thin oxide that is not conductive. Alas, you can’t easily anodize steel, because that oxide is called rust and it’s not particularly durable.

Aluminum anodizes well. You can even dye the resulting oxide. My guess is that the outer colorful skins of iPod Nanos are dyed aluminum oxide. But for some reason you don’t see a lot of aluminum antennas out there. Maybe the material does not make a great antenna.

It’s clearly possible to bond stainless steel to aluminum. That is the design of All-Clad cookware, my personal favorite. Their LTD line is stainless steel on the inside, aluminum on the outside. And the aluminum is anodized!

You might have noticed that Apple recently licensed technology related to the creation of alloys. My theory is that this license is related to creating a new external antenna that will have an anodized outer finish.

The other benefit of this solution is that Apple could offer the iPhone in a variety of different antenna colors, as they do the iPod Nano. The solution will be both stylish and functional. How Apple!

Tell me why my idea won’t work in the comments.

Written by erlichson

August 11, 2010 at 3:42 pm

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My Week with Android: Action Items for Apple

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My week with Android is over. I am back to my iPhone. I dropped a call on the way in to work. Good to be back.

I truly believe that Apple has the better product right now. The hardware is smaller, lighter, and more attractive. The software is more intuitive, better polished and better looking.

Nevertheless, Android is gaining momentum. Here are the things that apple must do to address some of the advantages of Android.

  • Solve the dropped call program in the US. I am putting this separately since there is some anecdotal evidence mounting that the problem is not purely related to ATT and that other ATT phones hold calls better.
  • Offer the iPhone on Verizon. Verizon is the strongest carrier in the US. Nearly everyone I meet that owns an Android-based Verizon phone tells me they would have chosen an iPhone over an Android device had it been available.
  • Include turn by turn navigation on the iPhone built in. This will require an enormous capital outlay to get permanent and unfettered access to the dataset needed. Navteq is owned by Nokia. So that is pretty much out of the question for Apple. Tele Atlas is owned by Tom Tom. Tom Tom’s market cap is only (Euros) 1.09B. Apple should just buy them and include as much of their tech as possible in iPhones. Mapping and navigation are core to smart phones and Apple needs to remove the dependency on Google.
  • Better integrate voice-to-text on the iPhone. Being able to hit the microphone button in all contexts (SMS, email) and include a sentence by voice is very convenient on the Droid X. Apple could possibly license the tech from Nuance, or buy Nuance for stock. Voice is a critical part of the mobile experience.
  • Provide Mobile Me (email, contacts, calendar) for free for Apple customers. One of the best things about the Android experience is the tight support between Gmail and Android. There are built in Calendar and Gmail apps for Android that integrate better with Google’s services than Apple’s Mail and Calendar program do. Phanfare uses Google Apps and I will miss the built in apps.
  • Provide a 3G mobile hot-spot for the iPhone. Can cost extra. I wound up trying Android because I continued to maintain an Verizon MiFi for business when I switched from ATT to the iPhone. When the Droid X started shipping with the mobile hot spot, I realized that for maybe $20/month more, I could move service from the MiFi to the Droid X and have not only a mobile hot spot when traveling but also a verizon phone for calling. I realize the mobile hotspot will kill the battery. That’s ok.

If Apple addresses these issues, I believe that Android momentum will stall. Long run, Android may still win with their multi-vendor low-cost approach. But it will take a lot longer if Apple takes care of these items.

Written by erlichson

August 9, 2010 at 9:34 am

Posted in Android, Apple, General, Google

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Droid Day 6: Swype is great if you flour your finger

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One of the major benefits of Android, according to its boosters, is that Android is open. So open in fact that you can even change the default text input method. My Droid X came with Swype, a new fangled way of entering text by drawing a path through the letters.

I have been using Swype for the last couple of days. Overall, I find it is faster to type text when that text contains lots of english words. But if the text contains lots of numbers or other abbreviations that Swype does not know, the regular keyboard is faster.

The other caveat is that Swype only really works well when your finger tip is very dry. My hands are pretty dry overall. I have no problem manipulating a pool cue without powder. But using my Droid X, I often found that my finger tip was too moist to easily draw paths between the letters. When you want to repeat a letter, for instance in the word “soon,” you are supposed to draw a little circle around the repeated letter. This action was hard to do accurately or quickly unless my fingers were very dry.

I never remembered it being difficult to slide my finger across the screen on the iPhone. After all, this i how you scroll. I got the iPhone 4 out and compared the devices next to each other, pretending to Swype on the iPhone. My finger slid across the glass much more easily on the iPhone. Maybe that is due to the special coating that Apple adds to make it easier to clean the glass?

Eager to see if getting my finger super-dry would make it easier to Swype on the Droid X, I dipped my finger tip in all purpose baking flour and then tried swype. Then it worked very well and was very easy to type English words pretty fast. Alas, I don’t carry flour and don’t like having flour particles on my screen, so this is probably not a good solution.

On my Droid X, due to the difficulty of swyping when my fingers are anything but bone dry, I would turn off Swype. On my iPhone 4, I think it would work better, but there I would not likely use it because on the iPhone, I can actually type on the regular keyboard. I am not great at typing on the Moto Android touch keyboard. Bottom line, Swype did not win my over. Not that Moto does have it as the default on the Droid X.

Written by erlichson

August 8, 2010 at 11:27 pm

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Droid Day 5: The Photography Experience

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I carried both my Droid X and my iPhone 4 today and shot some casual photos and videos in various lighting situations. My experiences did not break new ground relative to the review at ArsTechnica.

The Droid X has significant shutter lag when compared to the iPhone 4. It is also slower to focus, does not handle low light as well, and has strange halos when the scene is very contrasty.

When shooting an action shot of diving, even in good light, the Droid X shows distortion related the rolling shutter that it uses. The iPhone did not show any distortion in good outdoor light, even on action shots.

Video looked ok on camera in the Droid X, but unfortunately, Phanfare does not properly convert the 3gp video files that the Droid X produces so I can’t compare on the web.

Overall, the photography experience was a step back relative to the iPhone but probably about average for a typical cell phone. I have posted all the photos and videos for your perusal. The iPhone 4 photos were imported through the Phanfare app on the iPhone. The Droid X photos where brought in by saving to a dropbox account ( and then importing on my desktop via the web organizer.

Written by erlichson

August 8, 2010 at 12:05 am

Posted in General

Droid Day 4: Droid Does

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Droid does:

  • reset the volume on my Jawbone bluetooth headset each time I reconnect.
  • cause the message “this disk is not readable by this computer” when plugged into my MacBook Pro. (Easily fixed by following these instructions).
  • eat through my battery by late afternoon, unless I reboot it periodically to kill errant processes. Note that running Advanced Task Killer did not fix it.
  • require that itunes purchases be upgraded to iTunes plus before synching music (yeah, I get it).
  • require you to discover the doubletwist program to sync your music. It does sort of sync, although songs from compilation albums like movies cause the album name to dupe in the library.
  • not have a built-in stop watch.
  • does not take a signature in gmail that is longer than five lines.
  • have a very quirky and annoying cursor placement on the Droid X
  • not control my whole house sound system from Request.
  • not control my iTunes connected to my Apple Airport Express, the way I play music at home into the Request.
  • have pretty cool and accurate voice-to-text built in
  • have street by street navigation that I am eager to try.
  • bring out the geek in my old friends from BlackRock. They put me on to this nifty tool from AppBrain that will keep track of which apps are installed and allow me to install apps from the web. Here’s a list of my installed apps. They also gave me instructions on rooting the phone and getting custom ROMs for it. Really.
  • hold a call on Verizon (droid x) without dropping, pretty much indefinitely.
  • perform adequately.

For me, it comes down to whether I want a small smart phone with a great user experience, good battery life (not something you could say before iPhone 4) or a slightly annoying but ultimately serviceable smart phone with very reliable voice calls and better network coverage.

I will probably switch back to the iPhone 4 this Sunday but will likely carry the Droid when I travel both as a wifi hotspot and for more reliable phone calls and service.

Written by erlichson

August 6, 2010 at 5:13 pm

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Day 3 with Android: Understanding Apple

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In the United States, high-end Android phones and iPhones are essentially the same price. The Droid X was $199 after rebate, and the iPhone 4 is $199.

Apple made a very deliberate decision in the US to achieve that price parity. They gave an exclusive to ATT, a weaker carrier, in exchange for a whopping subsidy by ATT. The result is that Apple is able to hit the price point that they believed was a necessity to achieve mass market adoption of smart phones. But, they limited themselves to those people willing to use ATT, which is a clear #2 to Verizon in the US.

ATT traded a lot of their profitability to Apple to get the exclusive on the iPhone, a bet that has clearly paid off. Without the iPhone, ATT would almost certainly have shed subscribers to Verizon in the last few years.

But if you look at International markets that enforce transparency, we are able to see the pricing disparity of the iPhone versus Android. In Denmark, the six month cost to own an iPhone 4 is $885, versus $460 to own the LG GT 460 (android) or HTC Wildfire (android). The iPhone 4 cost of ownership is 2x.

And while it’s easy to guess that if Verizon had the iPhone 4, it would outsell Moto Android phones at the same price, the pricing probably would not be the same on Verizon. If Verizon offered the same subsidy to Moto and Apple, Droids would be cheaper.

Android is well positioned to be cheaper. Multiple handset manufactures (Moto, HTC, Samsung) are fiercely competing for consumers but those competitors are unable to differentiate themselves because they all run the same OS. The result is that consumers do shop based on price and the handset makers earn significantly less than Apple does.

Another factor that leads to Android being cheaper for consumers is that the carriers like Verizon junk up the handset with branding and offers. Like a PC with crapware pre-installed, the cost of the hardware to consumers is subsidized by the companies that pay to put their offers on the device. You can be sure that Blockbuster paid to have their app pre-installed on the Droid X I just bought. If Verizon had the iPhone, they would not get to offset the price off the handset by selling space to marketing partners. Apple would certainly not allow it.

Meanwhile, Google develops the Android OS and charges nothing for its use, content to play the long game and own the software platform so that it is receptive to Google advertising. All this has the effect of lowering the cost of the device to consumers.

The final factor that props up Android in the US is that Verizon, in a brilliant marketing play, owns the Droid brand, backs it with $100MM of advertising per year and doles out the Droid monicker to particular handsets if and only if the handset manufacturers is willing to accept tight subsidies and Verizon co-branding of the experience and crapware.

It really is Mac vs PC all over again. The Android OS is positioned as a multi-vendor, good-enough, cheaper alternative to Apple’s finely crafted but tightly controlled solution. But unlike MS that wanted to be paid to install their OS, Google is giving it away (for now).

Apple has enormous manufacturing scale now. Nobody can build an iPhone for less than Apple. And Apple is the early leader with more applications. Apple is the innovator. But ultimately, Apple will probably be a minority player in smart phones over the long haul, content to accept 20% of the market and 80% of the profits. Why?

The reason I believe is that Apple is driven by different goals than Google. Apple is driven by a desire to see their vision of the world realized. Their goal is self-actualization. In their vision of the world, smartphones are elegant, uncluttered and tasteful. They don’t have porn. They are not tainted by low-brow marketing tactics of the carriers. Apple allowed ATT to sell its holy iPhone only if they would sell it exactly as the artist, Apple, intended it. They could not brand it, put anything on it or control how its used. Is Apple controlling? You bet. And you can see Apple’s orientation in the spoof video they showed at the front of the Antennagate conference? You don’t like the iPhone 4? Don’t buy it.

Google on the other hand is driven by a desire to see open and free access to information. They see mobile as a growing and important way that consumers access information and they want to make sure they can continue to be influential there. In short, Google is hell bent to organize the world’s information (for free) and Apple is hell bent to bring elegance, grace and art to our lives, but only to those who appreciate it.

Android will win this war if your definition of success is handsets sold. When the iPhone eventually does come to Verizon, people will prefer it but only if its the same price and it probably won’t be. But the good news is that this time, unlike in the Mac vc PC battle, Apple will have an installed base of one billion devices at some point and there will always be great support from ISVs for the platform.

So who’s right, Apple or Google? Well, that’s hard to say. There are people starving in the world and yet we still have art museums. Is it more useful to dedicate yourself to art or to feeding the world? Both increase human happiness. It seems that we need a balance and with Apple and Google, we have it.

Written by erlichson

August 5, 2010 at 10:22 am

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A Week with Android: Day 2

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At this point I have removed most of the Motorola widgets from my home screen of my Droid X. I have customized my home screen with weatherbug, something I could not do on the iPhone. I have downloaded Android Task Killer.

I have figured out my way around the interface. It is just not as elegantly or meticulously designed as the iPhone.

But having said all that, the phone is entirely reliable. It never drops a call. Really. Never. And to be honest, I had forgotten how satisfying it is to carry a phone that can hold a phone call though whatever (I was on Verizon for 11 years before switching to ATT for the iPhone). The Droid X works in my house, even when I am on the first floor. Also, the phone never misses an incoming call.

I can read my email, in some ways more efficiently than I read it on the iPhone, it has a workable web browser, and google reader works through the browser, which is my main distraction when not reading email.

My calendar is synched with the cloud. My contacts are too. I have found that my most favorite apps are available: Kindle, NY Times, Open Table, Yelp, Facebook (just got a new release, still not perfect but getting better), and DropBox.

I could use this phone. My biggest issue? I don’t love the Droid X form factor. The phone it too large and too thick on the top. I am wondering whether I should swap it for a Droid 2 in 15 days. I can’t type on the Android keyboard all that well (although maybe I will get better) and maybe the physical keyboard will be useful for longer emails.

I know why Android is getting traction in the US. It’s because by 2007, 90% of folks in the US with a brain who were middle income or better had switched to Verizon. And for many folks, Android works well enough. That is, they are happier with an Android phone on Verizon than they would be with an iPhone on ATT.

I truly believe that if you subjectively compare the iPhone 4 to the currently shipping Android phones, the iPhone comes out on top. I don’t see many people choosing the Droid X phone I have running Android 2.1 over the iPhone 4 on the same carrier. But I can totally see why people would choose a Verizon Android phone over an ATT iPhone in the US.

If you are not the type of person who gets excited over phones, the Android experience on Moto is completely adequate. It’s head and shoulders above any feature phone you have ever owned. It is also superior to the Blackberry experience if you value web browsing and you use Google services. No, Android does not sing. The integration of the hardware and software does not border on the sublime. it’s a workhorse.

So for Apple, it’s do or die with Verizon. They have to get the device on the Verizon network soon because every day wasted helps Android get traction.

Written by erlichson

August 4, 2010 at 9:38 am

Posted in Android, Apple, General, Google

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