An Engineer

An Instance of Perspective

Archive for May 2011

The Robot Gets Some Love – Announcing Phanfare for Android

with 9 comments

We are pleased to announce Phanfare for Android, available immediately in the Android Market.

The Phanfare Android App will allow you to upload photos and videos directly to your Phanfare account from your Android smartphone.

We took a different design approach with our Android App versus our iOS App. Because Android allows tighter integration, we were able to extend the sharing feature built directly into the Android Gallery App to include Phanfare as a destination.

We plan to continue to improve the Phanfare Android App. This first version is just an uploader. We plan to add viewing and controlling of your Phanfare account and eventually will bring the App to parity with the Phanfare iOS App.

Because Android has no review process and we can fix problems much more responsively, you can expect more frequent updates and a little more risk taking on our part in terms of the stability of any given release and potential bugs, especially early on.

Thanks for your patience with us on Android. We heard loud and clear from our customers that it was time to give the green robot some love after focusing exclusively on iOS for nearly three years on the mobile side.

We would love to hear your feedback both in the comments and directly in reviews in the Android Market store.

Written by erlichson

May 4, 2011 at 9:49 pm

Posted in Android, Google

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